Palace of the Inquisition

In the Plaza de Santa Domingo, a few blocks from the Zocalo, stands the Palace of the Inquisition. Today it is operated by the UNAM Faculty of Medicine. Their current exhibit about torture educates and promotes issues around human rights. With an attendance of 900,000 in its first year, it has been one of the most visited exhibits in the history of Mexico City.

Trajinera’s of Xochimilco

Take a group of friends, head to the furthest southern reaches of the city, and rent a Trajinera in Xochimilco. A relaxing day can be spent floating down these ancient canals - exposing what is left of the great lake that covered most of day Mexico City. Bring an intimate picnic lunch with you or be prepared to party hard. Enjoy the many options for food, drink, shopping or entertainment, as smaller barges pull alongside, offering everything from beer, home cooked meals cooked on the spot or even full Mariachi bands.

Jardines del Pedregal

An upscale neighbourhood built in the 1940's, Pedregal was a turning point for modernist Mexican architecture. It was master planned by Luis Barragan who wanted to promote the harmony between architecture and the stunning lava fields and gardens the homes were to be built upon. Many of the original remaining homes are now protected as heritage.

Museo Diego Rivera Anahuacalli

Diego Rivera worked with Frank Lloyd Wright to come up with the plans for his own Mayan inspired studio and museum made from black volcanic stone. A series of "Indiana Jones" style tunnels and staircases lead to his expansive collection of pre-Hispanic artifacts. The ceiling murals alone, made from small pieces of coloured stones, make a trip here worthwhile.

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Since the 19th century, the indigenous Purépecha people of Paracho, near Morelia, have been hand crafting guitars. When the Spanish discovered the quality and woodworking skills of these people they moved their guitar making industry to Mexico. The techniques are still passed down from generation to generation. The Festival of the Guitar is held every year in the second week of August.